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EAC : Appel urgent : Capacités de production de vaccins

11 February 2021

European Clusters Alliance : Appel urgent : Capacités de production de vaccins

Search for COVID-19 vaccine production and support capacities

In coordination with the task force on vaccines of the European Commission, the European Clusters Alliance (ECA) and the Council of European BioRegions (CEBR) are working to locate and map all the possible resources available in Europe for the production of vaccines for COVID-19.
This includes the mapping the possible manufacturing facilities themselves, but also all related aspects of vaccine production, including raw materials, vial, syringes, storage and distribution etc.
Furthermore, we want to compile any difficulties and bottlenecks you could identify about the production of vaccines, e.g. regulations, certification etc.

If you are interested in supporting this initative, please fill in the questionnaire on production capacities from you as a company or as a cluster manager on your members which might be able to help, and contact relevant stakeholders you know.

Questionnaire to map resources for COVID-19 vaccine production

Please fill in this questionnaire with information on companies and other entities which could support the vaccine production in Europe, the resources that could be available, and the bottlenecks you foresee for the vaccine production.
