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Martine CLOT

After obtaining a Doctorate in Cellular Biology from the University of Toulouse Paul Sabatier, Martine decided to complete her training by completing a master's degree in Innovation and Technology Management from TBS Education (formerly Toulouse Business School).  

Passionate about research and innovation, industrial property and health, she worked in the pharmaceutical industry, at Pierre Fabre then in biotechnologies at Protéus. For more than 18 years now, she has worked at HORIBA Medical in the field of diagnostics. in vitro. Initially responsible for industrial property, she is currently in charge of valuation and partnerships. Martine is notably responsible for assembling and monitoring files for calls for projects, for the construction and monitoring of collaborative or non-collaborative research and development projects and for the financing of research projects. It is also responsible for promoting the technologies developed by the research and innovation teams which are as varied as, for example, flow cytometry, image analysis, microfluidics, or biochemical techniques. 

A member of the Eurobiomed cluster since its beginnings, she has been on the Board of Directors since 2019, and a member of the Strategic Projects Council since 2022 alongside a team of 18 experts.