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EFFI-CLIN: New generation of checkpoint inhibitors in cancer immunotherapy.

30 April 2024

The EFFI-CLIN project, of which the company HISTALIM is a partner, aims to offer a new cancer immunotherapy adapted to the immunological profile of each tumor according to the concept of personalized medicine by targeting a new generation of immune checkpoints. Labeled by the Eurobiomed cluster, the project was financed by the former PSPC program operated by Bpifrance as part of the PIA and was completed in August 2023. The results to date of the project have demonstrated clinical effectiveness of the drug candidate developed ( reduction in tumor mass) in patients treated in phase 1 of dose escalation, thus making it possible to continue the current clinical trial. The project also allowed the Histalim company to develop a biomarker discovery tool “HISTOPROFILE” in the context of targeted therapy. HISTOPROFILE makes it possible to characterize a patient's immune profile and biomarkers for exploratory analyzes in clinical trials.

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