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Business portrait | Panntherapi

18 April 2024

Portrait d’entreprise | Panntherapi

Created in 2021 in Nîmes, Panntherapi develops innovative, safer and more effective treatments for poorly treated neurological diseases, primarily epilepsy.

According to Inserm, epilepsy constitutes the third most common neurological disease and remains the first chronic neurological disease in children. More than a third of epilepsy patients resist treatment, leading to disabilities and significant health costs.

Panntherapi is the first pharmaceutical company dedicated to the development of Pannexin 1 channel blocker products for the treatment of neurological disorders, notably epilepsy, a target involved in the genesis of seizures.

Pour cibler une épilepsie rare (statut de médicament orphelin) essentiellement pédiatrique et ultra-résistante (>70% des patients ne répondent à aucun antiépileptique), pour laquelle il n’existe pas de traitement en développement, Panntherapi développe une ancienne molécule reformulée sous forme de micro-granules à libération prolongée qui peuvent être administrées chez l’enfant dès l’âge de six mois. Le produit entre en clinique et l’accès au traitement pour les patients pourrait se faire à l’horizon 2027.

By relying on a unique platform using post-operative brain tissue from patients (tissue kept alive and which continues to generate epileptic seizures ex vivo, model more representative of the morphological and tissue modifications of pathologies than animal models) and other technologies (AI, in vitro and in vivo models, etc.), Panntherapi develops treatments which are breakthrough innovations by acting on an innovative target attacking the root cause of diseases, the drug not acting on the origin of the condition but trying to stop a crisis in advance which could arise. Indeed this mechanism is primarily used to treat epilepsy, but is also involved in other chronic seizure diseases such as multiple sclerosis, pain, etc., indications for which Panntherapi is developing new classes of entities. chemicals identified with its platform (preclinical stage).

The co-founders: Mr Luc André Granier (President), Ms Elsa Brillaud (CEO), Ms Nathalie Rouach (INSERM/ Collège de France) and Mr Gilles Huberfeld (Rothschild Foundation/ IPNP).

PannTheraPi comes from the Neuroglial Interactions in Cerebral Physiology and Pathologies Laboratory (Collège de France, CNRS, INSERM).

The company has five employees and is incubated at BIC Innov’Up in Nîmes.