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Depuis mon arrivée en 2019, au contact de la direction et des dirigeant(e)s d’entreprises, j’ai pu appréhender les enjeux de notre filière et construire mon expertise autour des sujets créateurs de valeur (R&D, réglementaire, PI, marché, levée de fonds…).
By capitalizing on these years of experience and with active listening, I specialized in business strategy by placing the management team and people at the center of the reflection with all kindness.

I look forward to discovering your innovations, brainstorming alongside you and being part of your team for the duration of a mission.

I am convinced of this and it is one of my ambitions, that together we will have the means to serve the collective and improve the quality of care and the health of patients, caregivers and health practitioners.

Contact me for:

  • take stock of the progress of your company
  • establish a roadmap of your activity/business
  • work together on any subject related to the development of your company
Project manager - Business support
07 60 70 00 34