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Portrait of the ExAdEx-Innov company

24 January 2022

ExAdEx-Innov in brief


Today, 50% of the world's population is overweight or obese, which constitutes an aggravating factor for metabolic diseases with a strong societal impact such as NASH, type 2 diabetes, and certain types of cancer. Yet, no curative therapeutic solution does not meet the unmet medical need of 2 billion patients who will be affected by these pathologies in 2045.

A very promising therapeutic avenue, and validated by more than 10 years of preclinical research in animals, shows that the transplantation of brown fat into an obese animal allows for a curative action in terms of weight gain and diabetes. type 2 and fatty liver disease. In humans, beige/brown adipose tissue represents a small proportion of total adipose tissue, but plays a key role in the regulation of metabolism through the secretion of numerous factors which will act to activate thermogenesis, regulate the secretion of insulin and limit inflammation.

BAT transplantation is a very promising therapeutic avenue which nevertheless comes up against the absence of an abundant and clinically relevant source of beige tissue in humans, and the technological obstacle of maintaining adipose tissue in culture, necessary for transformation. from white adipose tissue to beige adipose tissue, then allowing its transplantation in the obese patient.


ExAdEx-Innov values ​​a patented technology, resulting from academic excellence, for the development of first tissue therapy to fight against metabolic diseases associated with obesity. Avec une approche plateforme R&D unique au monde, la Biothérapie ObAdEx est actuellement au preclinical stage, with the ambition of reaching the first clinical trials in humans in 2027.


Le procédé ExAdEx est une innovation de rupture, valorisée par une plateforme de R&D in vitro unique in the world, which lifts the barrier of culture ex vivo of human adipose tissue, while retaining its structure 3D, in functionality et sa vascularization. ObAdEx is a therapeutic application of ExAdEx technology, which makes it possible to obtain a product of Active thermogenic tissue biotherapy , with a simple process and adapted to a production GMP, from a abundant and clinically relevant source. It converts white adipose tissue (fat storage) into beige adipose tissue (regulates metabolism), while maintaining its vascularization for rapid and long-lasting graft take in the patient. The active thermogenic tissue ObAdEx has the potential to burn excess fat and to secrete, in the long term, factors of pharmacological interest to fight against metabolic diseases such as NASH and type 2 diabetes.


Le procédé ExAdEx est une innovation mondiale, valorisé par la première plateforme de R&D in vitro, qui lève le verrou de la culture ex vivo de tissu adipeux humain, tout en conservant sa structure 3D, in functionality et sa vascularization. By enabling this paradigm shift in 3D culture of human adipose tissue, ExAdEx-Innov ouvre des perspectives pour l’utilisation du tissu adipeux humain en R&D et Biothérapie innovante. Cette technologie est protégée par un brevet PCT/EP2020/050720.

ExAdEx technology has enabled the development of ObAdEx Biotherapy, a therapeutic application of rupture which makes it possible to obtain a product of active thermogenic tissue therapy, with a simple process and adapted to a production GMP in closed system. It allows you to convert ex vivo white adipose tissue (fat storage) into beige adipose tissue (regulates metabolism), while maintaining its vascularization for rapid graft take in the patient. This technology is protected by a patent PCT/EP2021/069888.

Targeted markets

With a rapidly growing market that will represent 2 billion patients in 2045, metabolic diseases associated with obesity today represent more than 500 million patients worldwide, with limited solutions and patients experiencing total therapeutic failure. The ObAdEx solution aims to reach the first patient with post-bariatric surgery treatment failure from 2030, for a market estimated at €10 billion with a penetration rate of 10%, and an extension in 2032 for metabolic diseases associated with obesity with a market estimated at €62 billion.


The active thermogenic fabric ObAdEx has the potential to burn excess fat to induce weight loss in obese patients, but its major advantage is its ability to secrete, in the long term and physiologically, factors of pharmacological interest to combat against NASH and type 2 diabetes. We have removed 2 major obstacles which allow us to position ExAdEx-Innov as a pioneer at the global level to develop the first long-term curative and physiological treatment metabolic diseases associated with obesity.


We obtained funding from the Satt Sud-Est (maturation) between 2018 and 2019 then funding from the University of Côte d'Azur, Startup Deeptech program in 2021. This funding enabled the maturation of the technology in the “stem cell” laboratory. and differentiation” of the iBV, directed by Christian DANI. His team will be further supported in 2022 by the UCA YEP program to continue to develop the technology and open up new perspectives.
To develop the company's activity, we have obtained a DT label which allows us to unlock a grant of €90K in 2022 and we are applying for the i-lab innovation competition for which we were a finalist last year.

To accelerate the first preclinical milestones in progress, we are looking for a first pre-seed raise of €500K to prepare a seed round of €3.5M in 2024, corresponding to the start of the non-regulatory preclinical phases.

In 2023, we will validate the preclinical proof of concept of Obadex therapy using samples from morbidly obese patients. In 2024, we will characterize the mechanism of action more precisely, and the early evaluation of effectiveness and safety. of the product. In 2025, we will validate, before the regulatory phases, a process suitable for industrial scale-up.


Vincent DANI-DAVESNE, Ph.D, co-founder and CEO/CSO:
Main areas of expertise: DeepTech Entrepreneur; Bioengineering of human adipose tissue
DeepTech entrepreneur: Since the end of the maturation of SATT Sud-Est in 2018, Vincent DANI has led the project and enabled its integration into the CNRS Innovation RISE program, entry into the PACA-EST incubator (2020) and in the HealthTech Eurobiomed accelerator (2021). In addition, the Deeptech Founders program in 2021 allowed him to consolidate his skills in driving the company's development. He deploys the innovation strategy and vision of the company.
Doctor in Life and Health Sciences: Doctorate in Cellular and Molecular Biology at UCA from 2012-2015, then various post-docs until 2017. Graduated in clinical research in 2018 at the Timone Faculty of Medicine (Marseilles). Since 2018, researcher in the Stem Cell and Differentiation team at iBV, Nice as a Specialist in the physio-pathology of adipose tissues and in particular the cellular and molecular bioengineering of these tissues. Vincent DANI is the leader of the technologies developed by the company. His key scientific role allows him to be co-inventor of the company's two patent families.

Luigi Formicola Ph.D, MBA, co-founder and COO:
Main areas of expertise: Biotech Startup Business Development; Project management
Grâce à une double compétence scientifique et de développement de startup biotech, Luigi sera responsable de la stratégie de business développement. Après un doctorat en biologie sur le rôle des cellules souches fibro-adipogéniques dans les maladies musculaires dégénératives, il a été responsable du business développement et de la gestion de projets R&D de la société 4P-Pharma, dès sa création (2014-2020) : il a été en charge du scouting de technologies et de l’évaluation de leur potentiel scientifique et commercial (études de marché, programmes de développement, business plan), du développement et entretien du réseau de partenaires, ainsi que de la gestion des projets R&D et des affaires courantes (budget, financement, gestions des équipes internes et sous-traitants). Il soutient depuis mars 2021 le projet de création de start-up ExAdEx-Innov (y compris pendant son expérience d’Entrepreneur en Résidence pour CNRS Innovation, 2021). Il possède un MBA de l’IAE de Paris Sorbonne Business School, et a participé au programme DeepTech Founders (2021).

ExAdEx-Innov et Eurobiomed

The company ExAdEx-Innov joined the Eurobiomed collective in December 2021 and will be supported as part of the HealthTech Accelerator of the Nice Côte d'Azur Metropolis. In this program Eurobiomed will work alongside the management team to consolidate the company's strategy and build the regulatory roadmap.

Contact : (Vincent Dani, CEO and co-founder)

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